Authorization Agreement For Electronic Pay Stub Submissions

Alan Ritchey, Inc. is providing to those employees who receive their paychecks by direct deposit the option of receiving their pay stub by electronic mail (E-mail).

Pay will continue to be available to draw from on the regularly scheduled pay dates.

Electronic Authorization
I hereby authorize Alan Ritchey, Inc. to submit my password encrypted pay stub to my E-mail address provided below. I understand I will receive this email version of my pay stub in place of the paper version. I also understand that this E-mail address will continue to be the address utilized by Alan Ritchey, Inc. until Alan Ritchey, Inc. Human Resources Department receives WRITTEN notice from me of a change of electronic mail address.

Receiving an electronic version of my pay stub will remain in effect until Alan Ritchey, Inc. receives WRITTEN notice from me that I choose to receive a paper version of my pay stub.

  • Employee ID can be found on the bottom left of your most recent pay stub. Your Employee ID is 6 digits and a mix of letters and numbers.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.